Pydio Core 7.0.3 - Bug Fixes
Created on 2016/12/13
Pydio 7 is a major version.
7.0.3 is a small bugfix release.
Pydio Core 7.0.2 - Bug Fixes
Created on 2016/11/23
Pydio 7 is a major version.
7.0.1 is a small bugfix release.
Pydio Core 7.0.1 - Upgrade Bugs Fixes
Created on 2016/10/26
Pydio 7 is a major version.
7.0.1 is a small bugfix release.
Pydio Core 6.4.2 - Security Release
Created on 2016/07/25
Pydio 6.4.2 is a security release and should be applied immediately.
Pydio Core 6.4.1 - Bugfix Release
Created on 2016/04/12
Pydio 6.4.1 is a stable release containing most important bugfixes for version 6.4.0.
Pydio Core 6.4.0 - Sharing, UX, Performances
Created on 2016/03/29
Pydio 6.4.0 is a stable release introducing many important new features: federated sharing, UX transitioning to Material Design, Cache Service generalized, and many more exciting improvements!
Pydio Core 6.3.1 - Development Release
Created on 2016/03/11
Pydio 6.3.1 is a development release introducing many important new features. As its name implies, it is NOT production-ready yet. However, the more you help us testing and you report issues, the quicker we will be able to transform it into a stable 6.4.
Pydio Core 6.2.2 - Bugfixes Release
Created on 2016/01/20
Pydio Core 6.2.2 is a bugfix and performances release. It improves compatibility of plugins on the major 6.2 branch.