Knowledge Base
The knowledge base computes short articles that are describing environment-specific configurations or troubleshooting.
Transparent Background:
Access Control
Cells in Production
Identity Management
- Using AWS Cognito as an Identity Provider
- Connect to Pydio Cells via SimpleSAML PHP
- Connect to Pydio Cells via On-Premise ADFS server
- Using Google as an Identity Provider
- Using Github as an Identity Provider
- Connect to Pydio Cells via Microsoft Identity
- Using Pydio Cells as an Identity Provider for WordPress

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As the rest of our code, this documentation is open source and you can contribute to make it better. It is published under the Creative Common BY-SA 3 and you can find the source under our Github organization. The source is using Markdown and a specific page hierarchy to be then integrated in this website. Please submit Pull Requests to propose your changes to the community.
Transparent Background:
Transparent Background: