Identity Management

  • About SimpleSAMLphp

    SimpleSAMLphp is written in native PHP and deals with authentication. For more information, please visit this link

    Install and configure SimpleSAMLphp server

    Download the source code here.

    Install following...

  • About On-Premise ADFS

    Azure Active Directory Federation Service platform deployed on-premise provides Single Sign-On on multiple systems and applications from a Windows Server to Windows Users using the SAML2.0 protocol.

    Install and...
  • Add a Google Connector Create a Google Application for OIDC References

    Default values

    name value Issuer/Provider
  • This how-to shows, how to let users authenticate in Cells Enterprise using their GitHub credentials.

    Create a Github Application

    Create a New OAuth Application on Github,


  • About Microsoft Identity Platform

    Microsoft Identity Platform offers registration and configuration of applications that sign in all Microsoft Identities and get tokens to call Microsoft APIs like Microsoft Graph or other APIs. It consists of a...

  • Resources : Create an OAuth2 client for WordPress on Pydio Cells

    This is possible on both the Home...

  • This how-to shows you how to let users authenticate to Cells Enterprise using the AWS Cognito identity platform. Amazon Cognito lets you add user sign-up, sign-in, and access control to your web and mobile apps quickly and easily.
