Cells for Media & Communication Agencies

Share documents and collaborate with your teams, clients and subcontractors using your own branded platform. Your business is project-oriented. You need to share and validate documents, graphics, and media files almost every minute of every day. With Pydio Cells, you can customize the interface with your company’s logo and brand identity and share what you need when you need - securely, without limits.

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Pydio’s unique Workspace-based model makes it a powerful, flexible project-based file sharing platform

Share your briefs, mock-ups, rough-cuts, prototypes, storyboards, photo selections - whatever your creators are creating with your clients and partners

Easily share and synchronise large digital design and media files with your collaborators and clients

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Your Own Branded Filesharing Platform

Install Pydio Cells on your own server and customize it for your brand. Invite your clients to “share.yourcompany.com” with your own logos and welcome messages.

Pydio's unique "Cells" approach makes it easy to classify your data: create one workspace/cell per project, and/or one workspace per client based on your project requirements.

The Pydio Cells mobile app (iOS/Android) gives you access to your files from anywhere, at anytime.

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Collaborate with all your Clients and Partners

No more version control headaches and endless email chains. Let your customers proofread, provide feedback and approved deliverables seamlessly.

Use metadata to tag any files with keywords to help you keep track of your data, get feedback and comments, and annotate images and videos directly online for fluid collaboration workflow.

Protect shared files with passwords or by limiting downloads if you want to make sure that confidential materials are not spread outside the project team. Get alerted when shares are accessed.

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What Our Customers Say About Us

We care what our customers think of us. We are partners in your business and your success is ours.
We've been using Pydio for years now (I remember the first installation of Ajaxplorer), and your solution has always met our needs in term of use for the final user and of security. Today we have more than ten Pydio instances and they are at the heart of our data exchanges with our customers. Moreover, GDPR has strengthened our desire to control our data and Pydio responds very well to this problem.
Jeremy Godefroy
Deputy IT Manager Interpublic Group

Easy administration and full control of your data

Administrate your users in a very detailed and powerful way. Within a specific workspace dedicated to one project, each user can be granted different levels of rights according to his role in the project, confidentiality, etc...

Assign these accesses to individuals or groups, but you can also create Roles, which are a set of transverse right accesses, and then assign one or more roles to your users.

Easily monitor who accesses what and when, and restrict access or uploads, according to projects / users / groups.

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Manage Your Data Securely

Check usage flow with automatic sorting of multiple-revision documents, user-activity reports, email notifications regarding room content changes, and assignment of level and duration of access to each file for each person.

Decide and control where your data is stored and benefit from security features such as data encryption, intrusion prevention (you can interrupt any suspicious session), access-rights management (password protected shares).

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