Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.6
Created on 2024/02/26
This is a minor bugfix for v4 branch. It fixes an issue with TLS configuration for NATS broker, and other small UX glitches in Address Book.
Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.5
Created on 2024/02/02
Regular maintenance release: enhanced TLS flexibility, API and UX fixes, dashboard improvements, and wildcard support for user attributes.
Pydio 2023 Highlights and a Sneak Peek at 2024
Created on 2024/01/18
2024 is off to a fast start, but we wanted to take a minute to look at some important Pydio milestones in 2023 and take a sneak peek at some exciting developments coming your way in 2024.
Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.4
Created on 2024/01/15
This is a small bugfix release.
Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.3
Created on 2024/01/09
This is a small bugfix release.
Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.2
Created on 2023/12/23
This release ships new interesting features, an important upgrade of Cells Flows User Interface, bugfixes and more.
Why Upgrade: Get More Scalable, Efficient and Reliable with Cells Connect and Enterprise
Created on 2023/11/15
If your organization has been using the Home edition for a while, maybe it’s time to boost your scalability by upgrading to Cells Connect and Enterprise to take advantage of hybrid environments and stay efficient and effective.
Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.1
Created on 2023/11/14
This new version focuses primarily on Cells Flows, offering a host of new features, enhancements and bug fixes. Transform and generate PDFs, DOCX, Markdown, and HTML content on-the-fly or upon user request!
Why Upgrade: Reporting, Audit and Compliance Capabilities
Created on 2023/10/30
Compliance reporting is another key reason organizations upgrade from Cells Home to Connect or Enterprise. If you are spending all your time keeping up with reporting, audits and compliance, maybe it’s time to boost your sharing and collaboration capabilities.
Why Upgrade: Single Sign-On and Advanced IAM
Created on 2023/10/12
Free is great. You’ll get no argument from us. And, despite being free, Cells Home Edition is a very capable sharing and collaboration platform. But if you need SSO and advanced identity and access management (IAM), maybe it's time to upgrade!