PydioSync 1.0.3 / Workspaces Sync 1.0.3

Created on 2015/12/02
Release Type: 

This is a stable release for PydioSync and Workspaces


Deep-os integration for Windows : users can monitor the synchronization status via overlay icons on files and folders in Windows Explorer. They can right-click to generate a share link on a file or folder (inside a synchronized folder). Other files on the computer can be sent to Pydio with a right-click as well, by copying them inside the synchronized folder.

Conflicts are now resolved automatically by keeping two versions of the problematic files. Release also contains many bug fixes and improvements see Changelog below. MacOS Finder integration will follow soon. 

Workspaces Sync - please read

Workspaces Sync is the pre-provisionned version of PydioSync, accessible to paying customers with license over 100 users. To download this newest version, you have to authenticate yourself using the API Key / API Secret that you can find in your dashboard.

For windows users, to avoid conflicts with PydioSync and ease future upgrades, we had to change a product ID in Workspaces 1.0.3. To avoid your users to loose their configuration on upgrade, please ask them to follow this procedure: 

  • Run the BackupConfigs.bat script (provided in the links above) 
  • Uninstall Workspaces 1.0.2 using Windows uninstaller tool
  • Run the RestoreConfigs.bat script
  • Install Workspaces 1.0.3 using the new installer.

Detailed Changelog

  • Added a "Share with Pydio" button on right click in Windows explorer
  • Folder and file custom icons as status indicator (synced, syncing, offline)
  • New Windows installer
  • Added auto-resolution of conflicts, conflicting files are renamed to <file>.<username><number>.<ext>
  • Write only workspaces can no longer be synced with PydioSync (was causing issues)
  • Users are warned when configuring a read only Workspace, sync direction is Download only
  • Added the last modification time of files in the UI (dropdown list)
  • Added some missing translations
  • Better handling of quota limits
  • Improvements on Database state
  • Updated SSL certificates
  • Timeout functionality for each task, to allow to lower load on weak servers
  • Check for Sqlite and Sequence files integrity at task start-up.
  • Fix some issues with Windows local indexation. 
  • Removed a CSS font that was loaded from google fonts server (thus triggering external network calls).
  • Handle local client Proxy via JSON configuration.


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