Pydio Blog

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Pydio Cells & Enterprise 2.1.11

Created on 2020/12/16
Cells 2.1.11 is a security release

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 2.1.6

Created on 2020/09/09
Cells 2.1.6 provides minor fixes improvements

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 2.1.5

Created on 2020/08/29
Cells 2.1.5 provides minor fixes improvements

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 2.1.4

Created on 2020/08/11
Cells 2.1.3 provides small bugfixes and a good performance improvement for datasources indexing large amount of files (>500k).

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 2.1.3

Created on 2020/07/27
Cells 2.1.3 provides small bugfixes and a good performance improvement for datasources indexing large amount of files (>500k).

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 2.1 + Hotfixes

Created on 2020/06/29
Cells 2.1 is a major milestone : performances are greatly improved, Cells Console has been fully revamped and authentication module has been rewritten.

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 2.0.9

Created on 2020/06/12
Cells 2.0.9 is a bugfix release.

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 2.0.8

Created on 2020/05/29
Cells 2.0.8 is a bugfix release.

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 2.0.7

Created on 2020/05/25
Cells 2.0.7 is a security release. Upgrading is highly recommended!

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 2.0.6

Created on 2020/04/23
Cells 2.0.6 fixes issues with users connected via third-party Identity Provider
