Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.0.6

Created on 2023/01/10
Release Type: 

Bugfixes and improvements for Cells v4.

Make sure to read if you are upgrading from v3, or if you are using Cells Sync client!


  • Cluster: use a unique id for metrics, use a shared lock for starting all nodes at once, fixed ETCD lease issue
  • Typo in the users cache could degrade performances for concurrent requests
  • CELLS_WEB_RATE_LIMIT environment applied on data APIs (s3). It was only applied to REST APIs before.
  • The anonymous download feature was broken
  • Workspace sometimes temporarily vanishes from the left menu
  • Fix documentation for Sites Configuration + Let's Encrypt
  • Fix documentation for SQL migration possible issue
  • Better handling of time desynchronization errors to avoid client-side loop
  • Re-enabled caddy logging: errors only by default, access+errors when Cells is in debug mode
  • Rework Metrics, Grafana dashboard, and missing services in metrics.


  • Structured datasources FS modification not detected
  • S3 structured datasources regression (re-creation of .pydio instead of using s3 empty objects as introduced in v4
  • S3 datasources cannot copy files bigger than 5GB from an other DS as it does not switch to Multipart
  • S3 : issue when using an internal path inside the bucket
  • Rehash operation shows a progress and can be canceled for big files, also now triggered automatically after reindexation
  • An error was displayed when removing an object service, and restarting a new datasource at the same location could show minio errors

Cells Sync Compat

  • Added checks for compatibility between v4 server and Cells Sync latest build, as hashing mechanism (used for quick file comparison) have changed.

Cells Flows & Enterprise

  • Auto-open parameters panel if mandatory ones are not set
  • Purge Activities default Flow does not have the CompactDB flag
  • Big update of the documentation, along with Smart Forms documentation
  • Auto-apply search engine content indexation
  • Custom CSS not persisting after closing the branding tool
  • Simplify SmartForm submission with WebHooks
  • Full Documentation update

Learn more about Cells v4

See detailed announcement to learn more about Cells v4.




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