Major Versions Upgrade Informations

This page collects information about noticeable changes to take care when upgrading to Cells new major versions.

Cells v4

Major codebase changes for embracing Go Modules, upgrading dependencies, and simplifying microservices framework to ease cluster deployments. Upgrade is done by In-App Tool, but there are a couple of important notes:

1 - Backup

As any major version, make sure to have a good backup of your MySQL database as well as your CELLS_WORKING_DIR content, except for the actual data but including the .minio.sys folder if possible.

2 - Authentification Tokens refreshed

Hydra JWKs will be regenerated in the DB, with the effect of invalidating all existing authentication tokens. As a result, you will be logged out after upgrade, and if you are using Personal Access Tokens, you will have to regenerate new ones. Other applications like CellsSync will require re-authentication as well (see below).

3 - Cells Sites configuration

Except for a TLS Let's Encrypt setup, Cells Sites "Bind Addresses" should now not use a domain name anymore.

A bind address requires a binding PORT which will be the port your application will listen to (use standard port for Let's Encrypt), and a binding HOST that will either be a Network Interface IP, hostname (or domain name in the case of Let's Encrypt). If you have connection issue after upgrade, make sure to edit sites to bind to e.g. instead of (using cells configure sites or by simply editing the pydio.json file).

For a TLS setup with Let's Encrypt, the domain name must be used with the standard port 443 (other addresses can be used for alternate access only), as required by the ACME challenge.

4 - CellsSync client compatibility

An important change introduced in v4 creates a compatibility issue between specific server versions and CellsSync versions. Please refer to the Connect Desktop Sync section to learn more.


  • If you do not plan to upgrade, do not upgrade Cells Sync either.
  • If you do upgrade to v4, do upgrade Cells Sync, and you will also have to launch a specific processing on your server datasources.

5 - Collation issues at upgrade

While upgrading to Cells v4 from an older version, you might get this warning:

WARN    pydio.grpc.policy   [SQL] *****************************************************************************
WARN    pydio.grpc.policy   [SQL] 
WARN    pydio.grpc.policy   [SQL]   The following tables have a character set that does not match the default character set for the database...
WARN    pydio.grpc.policy   [SQL]       {"name": "idm_policy_rel", "collation": "latin1_swedish_ci"}
WARN    pydio.grpc.policy   [SQL]       {"name": "ladon_policy_subject", "collation": "latin1_swedish_ci"}
WARN    pydio.grpc.policy   [SQL]       {"name": "idm_workspace_policies", "collation": "latin1_swedish_ci"}
# (... more warnings...)  
WARN    pydio.grpc.policy   [SQL]   It might be due to the database being migrated from another system or the default database having been updated.
WARN    pydio.grpc.policy   [SQL]   It could potentially lead to issues during upgrades so we you should pre-emptively fix the tables collations.
WARN    pydio.grpc.policy   [SQL]   You can find more information here :
WARN    pydio.grpc.policy   [SQL] 
WARN    pydio.grpc.policy   [SQL] *******************************************************************************

and/or this error:

ERROR   pydio.grpc.oauth    Stopping all migrations as some tables may have collations differing from the database defaults. This may break migrations and foreign keys.

This have been seen on some old instances that went through various OS upgrades and migrations and landed in a not very clean state in terms of character sets and collation. This had no impact on the running instance in v3- versions but is problematic while running DB migrations to upgrade to Cells v4.
Rather than risking to end up with a broken instance, we chose to prevent migration when we are in this case.

To solve this issue, you should:

  • Stop Cells,
  • Insure that no process is left (e.g. by running: ps -afe | grep cells),
  • Perform a backup of your DB,
  • Run following SQL commands:
# Create a custom script in /tmp folder
echo "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" > /tmp/upgrade.sql
echo "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;" >> /tmp/upgrade.sql
# Run it against you DB
mysql -upydio -p cells < /tmp/upgrade.sql

WARNING: Do not run this script until you see the warning or error described above: it might corrupt an otherwise perfectly fine instance.

You can then restart Cells, the errors and warnings should be gone and your migration should run without further issue.

Cells v3

Introducing new "Flat" datasource format and many Cells Flows new features.

Upgrade is straight-forward by using the In-App Tool.

Cells v2

Synchronization rebooted and standard authentication development.

Upgrade is straight-forward by using the In-App Tool.

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