Kubernetes Quick install
These commands deploy a fully runnable instance of Cells on Kubernetes. Use it to quickly spin off a production-ready environment having high-availability and horizontal scalability at the ready from the get-go
Add the Pydio Cells Helm Chart repository
$ helm repo add cells https://download.pydio.com/pub/charts/helm
Run the install command
$ helm install cells cells/cells --namespace cells --create-namespace
The output will tell you how to access your app once the deployment is ready. It can take a few minutes.
Go further
The default helm chart will deploy a Cells instance w/ dependencies but still being capable of running on the smallest of environment such as minikube.
The main parameters required to achieve a production-ready deployment are described below.
# NOTE : Cells Enterprise users can comment out the lines following the # [ED] comment # Define what image version of Cells you want to use to have more control over your update image: # [ED] # repository: pydio/cells-enterprise tag: latest # Achieve high availability by starting a minimum number of replicas of the Cells stateless Pod # NOTE: each dependency of Cells has their own high availability strategy # Achieve horizontal scalability by setting up an autoscaling strategy autoscaling: enabled: true minReplicas: 3 maxReplicas: 5 targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80 targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 80 resources: limits: cpu: "500m" memory: "2G" # Achieve public-facing deployment by adding Ingress w/ Nginx as a load balancer # Uses lets-encrypt as a certficate authority ingress: enabled: true clusterissuer: server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory email: myexampleaddress@gmail.com hostname: cluster.pydiocells.com tls: true selfSigned: true service: type: ClusterIP # [ED] # customconfigs: { # "defaults/license/data": "MYLICENSE", # }
Just run the following command in order to install and activate all the parameters defined above :
$ helm update --install cells cells/cells --namespace cells -f values.yaml
With sufficient resource, this will transform your basic non-secured system to a letsencrypt-secured load balancer in front of a highly available and horizontally scalable Cells deployment.
Not sufficient yet ?
Read on the rest of the pages in this section to get a deeper understanding of how things work in a Pydio Cells cluster and find the configurations you need.
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