Deploying Cells Nodes

Once your environment is ready and all third-party dependencies are correctly running, you are now ready to start one or more replicas of Cells nodes.

Starting Cells with proper parameters

As explained in Configuring with URLs, the key here will be to pass all the required flags (or their ENV counter-part) to the cells configure/cells start commands.

Below is a list of ENVIRONMENT variables that will redefine internal defaults to use external services:

- CELLS_KEYRING=vault://{VAULT_HOST}:{VAULT_PORT}/secret?key=master

Assuming that you have an internal DNS resolving services by their names and that you are using default ports for all, this could look like :

- CELLS_CONFIG=etcd://etcd:2379/config
- CELLS_VAULT=etcd://etcd:2379/vault
- CELLS_REGISTRY=etcd://etcd:2379/registry
- CELLS_BROKER=nats://nats:4222
- CELLS_KEYRING=vault://vault:8200/secret?key=master
- CELLS_CERTS_STORE=vault://vault:8200/caddycerts
- CELLS_CACHE=redis://redis:6379

Or, using command-line flags instead of Env, these could have been :

> export VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN} # that one still requires ENV 
> cells start --config=etcd://etcd:2379 --registry=etcd://etcd:2379 --broker=nats://nats:4222 --keyring=vault://vault:8200/secret?key=master --certs_store=vault://vault:8200/caddycerts --cache=redis://redis:6379 

In the example above, we just specify the config URL: if no path is provided it is automatically switched to "URL/config", and if not CELLS_VAULT is provided, it is inferred from config URL to "URL/vault".

A. Beware of --vault vs --keyring.

Beware that the CELLS_VAULT flag is not pointing to the Hashicorp Vault service (which is used in the CELLS_KEYRING) but it points to a configuration container similar to CELLS_CONFIG, where values are encrypted. The master key used for this encryption is itself stored in... the Keyring!

B. Hashicorp Vault initialization

As you can see in the commands above, Vault is used for both the master keyring and for storing Cells embedded proxy (Caddy) generated-certificates. You must make sure that both KV storages "secret" and "caddycerts" are createad before starting. On a basic Vault install, the "secret" does exist by default, but you must create "caddycerts" with the following command:

> vault secrets enable -version=2 -path=caddycerts kv

The ${VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN} should be a safe token that is injected in your image in one way or another.

C. Note about MongoDB

Mongo DB support is not enabled via a start flag, but it is configured at first deployment. An existing Cells instance can also be migrated to support Mongo as described in the dedicated page.

First Run / Installation

When running Cells for the first time, you have to go through the cells configure process to set up some core configurations. In a cluster, automated approach, you must find a way to populate this configuration with your preset values.

Running "cells configure"

One simple option is to simply run cells configure on the very first node you are starting, using the same flags/ENV as define above (to make sure that the config is written in ETCD).

Using Docker

If you are using Docker, our official images provide an internal bootstrap mechanism that tries to detect wether a configuration is properly set, and if not automatically use cells configure instead of cells start. By passing a reference to a YAML/JSON installation file, you can let the first start ingest this file and automatically restart the container in start mode.

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