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A word from the core team...
For more than ten years, Pydio is committed to Open Source. Starting with AjaXplorer, then Pydio and now Pydio Cells, we have been happily publishing our code on Github under OSI-compatible licenses. We publish clean, documented code as well as up-to-date administrative and developer guides, but sometimes you may hit a bug or unexpected behavior. Don't panic, there are many places to communicate with the core team, and with the community!
First, please read our community guidelines, which are described inside the Code Of Conduct. To make it short, we embrace openness, we accept constructive criticism but we do not tolerate harassing or abusive language. Also, check the information below to make sure to post at the right place, thus avoiding wasting your time and making sure to have a proper answer to your questions!
Thank you on behalf of the core team
Charles - Project Founder
Installing Pydio Cells
Being a pre-compiled binary, deploying Pydio Cells on any server is (really) a piece of cake. Below is a summary of what has to be done:
Download the binary for your server OS, place it under e.g. /home/pydio and make it executable with
chmod +x cells
Prepare access to a MySQL database.
Run ./cell configure command and follow the steps either via command line or inside a browser
Restart cells using ./cells start
You should be good to go! If not (os-specific issues, using proxies, etc..) make sure to check the Administration Guide for more complete instructions.
Using Docker Container
An easy-to-use Docker container is published on the Docker Hub as pydio/cells. The most simple command (on Linux):
docker run -d --network=host pydio/cells
Then visit https://localhost:8080/ with your DB credentials. Generally, you would provide a port mapping (to 8080) or a specific network name to access a container running a DB. Refer to the hub page for more information.
Building from source
Cells has a vendoring approach allowing the build from sources through simple steps.
Make sure to have a properly configured Go environment set up, then go get github.com/pydio/cells
and use the various commands of the Makefile to build pydio (generally make dev
Pre-built binaries vs. Sources
Depending on what you need, you can use our pre-built binaries / archives or grab the source and built the software by yourself!

Stable Releases
For those who don't want to rebuild from scratch...
- Latest Cells Releases: Precompiled binaries for Linux and MacOSX and Windows
- All components builds: release notes for all our applications (server, sync client, mobile clients, etc.)

Get Sources
All our sources are published under the Github pydio organisation. Star the repositories to be notified and to promote Pydio!
- Pydio Cells: Pydio Cells Golang + JS codebase.
- Pydio-doc-*: the admin and developer guides are written in markdown and publicly accessible, you can contribute to this too!

Continuous Integration
Our CI/CD toolchain automatically builds and tests our packages each time a commit is pushed to Github.
These builds are available at the following addresses:
Be aware that these builds may be unstable and should not be used in production!
Fork Pydio on Github and help us improve the code, the translation or even the documentations!
Pull Request Submission
As an open source project, we strongly value your contribution. If you are used to Github standard mechanisms (fork / pull requests), you will feel at home very quickly. The developer docs are definitely a good start.
In any case please first read our contribution guidelines and sign the Contributor License Agreement.
Improving Documentation
Our docs are open-source too ! They are published under the Creative Commons v3 License. To contribute, please use the standard github Pull Requests mechanism, and help us make them more accurate.
All the guides and How-to's are published in our public repositories, starting with pydio-doc-*