cec rm

Trash files or folders



Delete specified files or folders.

By default, we only move specified files or folders to the recycle bin that is at the root of the corresponding workspace. The trashed items can be then restored from the web UI (this feature is not yet implemented in the Cells Client). Use the 'permanently' flag to skip the recycle and definitively remove the corresponding items.


# Generic example: ./cec rm /path/to/resource

# Remove a single file: ./cec rm common-files/target.txt

# Remove recursively inside a folder, the wildcard is '%': ./cec rm common-files/folder/%

# Remove a folder and all its children (even if it is not empty) ./cec rm common-files/folder

# Remove multiple files ./cec rm common-files/file-1.txt common-files/file-2.txt

# You can force the deletion with the '--force' flag (to avoid the Yes or No) ./cec rm -f common-files/file-1.txt

# Skip the recycle and permanently remove a file ./cec rm -p common-files/file-1.txt

# DANGER: directly and permanently remove a folder and all its children ./cec rm -pf common-files/folder

./cec rm [flags]


  -f, --force         Do not ask for user approval
  -h, --help          help for rm
  -p, --permanently   Skip recycle bin and directly permanently delete the target files. Warning: this is not un-doable

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string     Location of Cells Client's config files (default: /home/teamcity/.config/pydio/cells-client/config.json)
      --log string        change log level (default: info) (default "info")
      --login string      The user login, for Client auth only
      --no-cache          Force token refresh at each call. This might slow down scripts with many calls
      --password string   The user password, for Client auth only
      --skip-keyring      Explicitly tell the tool to *NOT* try to use a keyring, even if present. Warning: sensitive information will be stored in clear text
      --skip-verify       By default the Cells Client verifies the validity of TLS certificates for each communication. This option skips TLS certificate verification
  -t, --token string      A valid Personal Access Token (PAT)
  -u, --url string        The full URL of the target server


  • ./cec - Connect to a Pydio Cells server using the command line
Auto generated by Cells Client v4.2.1 on 4-Nov-2024
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