cells admin user create

Create a user



Create a new user.

Please, note that the login is case sensitive. You can create 2 distinct users with login 'User' and 'user'. You can also create a user in a given group by entering a full path (see examples below).

If not provided with the -p flag, password is prompted by the command line.


  1. Create a user with a password $ ./cells admin user create -u 'user' -p 'a password'

  2. Create a user with a prompt for password $ ./cells admin user create -u 'user'

  3. Create a user inside a group $ ./cells admin user create -u "/group/user" -p "new-password"

./cells admin user create [flags]


  -h, --help              help for create
  -p, --password string   Password of the new user
  -u, --username string   Login of the new user

Options inherited from parent commands

      --advertise_address string     Default advertise address (default "")
      --broker string                Pub/sub service for events between services (default "grpc://:8030")
      --config string                Configuration storage URL. Supported schemes: etcd|etcd+tls|file|grpc|mem|vault|vaults (default "file:///home/teamcity/.config/pydio/cells/pydio.json")
      --discovery string             Registry and pub/sub (default "grpc://:8030")
      --grpc_client_timeout string   Default timeout for long-running GRPC calls, expressed as a golang duration (default "60m")
      --registry string              Registry used to contact services (default "grpc://:8030")


Auto generated by Pydio Cells Home Edition v4.4.11 on 10-Mar-2025
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