cells-enterprise configure

Setup required configurations



Launch the configuration process of Pydio Cells.


You must have an available MySQL database, along with a privileged user (for instance 'pydio'). Supported databases are: - MariaDB version 10.3 and above, - MySQL version 5.7 and above (except 8.0.22 that has a bug preventing Cells to run correctly).

As recommended by database documentation, tune the 'max_connections' parameter to a value in line with your production database server specifications. For reference, the default value of 151 will have a maximum memory usage of about 575MB, but will not scale up for a multiple users load in production.


If you are on a desktop machine, pick browser-based installation at first prompt, or you can force it with: $ ./cells-enterprise configure --bind default

The installer opens a web page on port 8080 with a wizard for you to provide various configuration parameters, including DB connection info and the login/password of the main administrator.

In case where default port is busy, you can choose another one via the 'bind' flag, for instance: $ ./cells-enterprise configure --bind or
$ ./cells-enterprise configure --bind :12345

After browser configuration, all microservices are started automatically and you can directly start using Cells. It is yet good practice to stop the installer and restart Cells in normal mode before going live.


If you are more a shell person, you can perform the configuration process directly using this CLI (using the '--cli' flag or by choosing so at first prompt). You will then be able to choose to either use the default bindings for the embedded webserver or adapt these to your specific setup.

You can always reconfigure the webserver bindings afterwards by calling this command: $ ./cells-enterprise configure sites See corresponding inline documentation for further details.


For automated, non-interactive installation, you can pass a YAML or a JSON config file that contains all necessary information, please refer to the documentation on https://pydio.com


All the command flags documented below are mapped to their associated ENV var using upper case and CELLS_ prefix. For example : $ ./cells-enterprise configure --bind :9876 is equivalent to $ export CELLS_BIND=":9876"; ./cells-enterprise configure

For backward compatibility reasons, the --cli, --yaml and --json flags do not respect the above rule (this might evolve in a future version). They are respectively equivalent to CELLS_INSTALL_CLI, CELLS_INSTALL_YAML and CELLS_INSTALL_JSON ENV vars.

./cells-enterprise configure [flags]


      --bind_address string         Address on which servers will bind. Binding port depends on the server type (grpc, http, etc). (default "")
      --cli                         Do not prompt for install mode, use CLI mode by default
      --exit_after_install          Simply exits main process after the installation is done
  -h, --help                        help for configure
      --json string                 Points toward a configuration in JSON format
      --site_bind string            [Site] The 'site_' flags suite overrides config-defined sites. Bind is the site binding address IP|DOMAIN:PORT (default
      --site_external string        [Site] External full URL http[s]://IP|DOMAIN[:PORT] exposed to the outside
      --site_le_agree               [Site] Accept Let's Encrypt EULA
      --site_le_email string        [Site] Set email to enable Let's Encrypt automatic TLS configuration
      --site_le_staging             [Site] Use Let's Encrypt staging CA instead of production to avoid being banned on misconfiguration.
      --site_no_tls                 [Site] Use plain HTTP (default false, use self-signed)
      --site_tls_cert_file string   [Site] Path to custom TLS certificate file
      --site_tls_key_file string    [Site] Path to custom TLS key file
      --yaml string                 Points toward a configuration in YAML format

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Configuration storage URL. Supported schemes: etcd|etcd+tls|file|grpc|mem|vault|vaults (default "file:///home/teamcity/.config/pydio/cells/pydio.json")


Auto generated by Pydio Cells Enterprise Distribution v4.4.11 on 11-Mar-2025
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