Using Postman

Postman is a powerful client side application that can be used to debug and test communication with a server over TCP. See to download the application.

OAuth 2

Available OAuth 2 default parameters to use for Cells:

Parameter Value
Callback URL http://localhost:3000/servers/callback
Auth URL http(s)://
Access Token URL http(s)://
Client ID cells-sync, cells-client, cells-mobile
Scope openid email profile pydio offline

Authenticate with Postman

Add authentication on Postman:

  • Type: select OAuth 2.0
  • Then press Get New Access Token

name value
Token Name the token name on postman
Grant Type Authorization Code
Callback URL http://localhost:3000/servers/callback
Auth URL https://cells-test/oidc/oauth2/auth
Access Token URL https://cells-test/oidc/oauth2/token
Client ID cells-sync
Client Secret omit (you can let the field empty)
Scope openid email profile pydio offline
State you can put whatever you want (minimum 8 characters)
Client Authentication Send as Basic Auth header

Once you Press Request Token, you will be invited to log in with your Credentials on your Cells instance,

after that you will be redirected on postman with a token.

Once you have your Token:

  • Select the Token from the list.

You can now query any endpoint that you have access to.

API Call

This example calls the TreeService endpoint POST /a/tree/stats, that provides a way to list files and folders ("nodes") on the server.


type value description
endpoint /a/tree/stats Endpoint that list all the Nodes
authorization OAuth2 Access token Access Token retrieved from the previous Step
body json JSON body of the request

This is the modified body that will query all the children.

  "AllMetaProviders": true,
  "Limit": 0,
  "NodePaths": [
  "Offset": 0,
  "Versions": true

S3 Call

Below is an sample URL for accessing data from the object file Document Office Sample in the personal workspace of a user in the demo: Office Sample

This URL is composed of the following components :

  • /io : the bucket name where data is exposed
  • /personal-files : the "slug" of the workspace where the file is located.
  • /Document Office Sample : path to the file inside the workspace

Using Postman, you can use this URL to interact with this object. In order to be properly identified, you have to use the "Authorization" tab, choose AWS Signature and enter:

name value
AccessKey you can copy and paste the Access token retrieved previously with OAuth2
SecretKey gatewaysecret (this is a fixed value).
Service Name In the authorization tab > Advanced > Service Name add s3 (see screenshot below)

For the AccessKey you can also use the Personal Access Token ./cells admin user token

Then using the appropriate HTTP method, you can:

  • GET download this file
  • PUT upload data inside this file
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