POST /a/tree/admin/list

List files and folders starting at the root (first level lists the datasources)

Body Parameters

Name Description Type Required
Ancestors Send back a list of parent nodes, until the root, including the original node boolean
FilterType Filter by node type (LEAF / COLLECTION) #/definitions/treeNodeType
Limit Limit the number of results string
Node Main node used as a parent #/definitions/treeNode
Offset Start listing at a given position string
Recursive Send back all children of the node boolean
SortDirDesc Sort descending (otherwise ascending) boolean
SortField Remote Sort on specific field string
StatFlags Generic Details Flags array
WithCommits Sends the list of commits for a given node (Deprecated) boolean
WithVersions Sends the list of versions for a given node boolean

Body Example

  "Ancestors": true,
  "FilterType": "string",
  "Limit": "string",
  "Node": {
    "Path": "string"
  "Offset": "string",
  "Recursive": true,
  "SortDirDesc": true,
  "SortField": "string",
  "StatFlags": [
  "WithCommits": true,
  "WithVersions": true

Response Example (200)

Response Type /definitions/restNodesCollection

  "Children": [
      "AppearsIn": [
          "Path": "string",
          "WsLabel": "string",
          "WsScope": "string",
          "WsSlug": "string",
          "WsUuid": "string"
      "Commits": [
          "Data": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "Event": {
            "Metadata": {},
            "Optimistic": true,
            "Silent": true,
            "Source": "[Recursive structure]",
            "Target": "[Recursive structure]",
            "Type": "string"
          "Location": "[Recursive structure]",
          "MTime": "string",
          "OwnerUuid": "string",
          "Size": "string",
          "Uuid": "string"
      "Etag": "string",
      "MTime": "string",
      "MetaStore": {},
      "Mode": 10,
      "Path": "string",
      "Size": "string",
      "Type": "string",
      "Uuid": "string"
  "Parent": {
    "AppearsIn": [
        "Path": "string",
        "WsLabel": "string",
        "WsScope": "string",
        "WsSlug": "string",
        "WsUuid": "string"
    "Commits": [
        "Data": "string",
        "Description": "string",
        "Event": {
          "Metadata": {},
          "Optimistic": true,
          "Silent": true,
          "Source": "[Recursive structure]",
          "Target": "[Recursive structure]",
          "Type": "string"
        "Location": "[Recursive structure]",
        "MTime": "string",
        "OwnerUuid": "string",
        "Size": "string",
        "Uuid": "string"
    "Etag": "string",
    "MTime": "string",
    "MetaStore": {},
    "Mode": 10,
    "Path": "string",
    "Size": "string",
    "Type": "string",
    "Uuid": "string"
Auto generated by Pydio Cells Enterprise Distribution v4.4.11 on 11-Mar-2025
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