cec config add oauth

Use OAuth2 credential flow to login to the server



Configure your Cells Client to connect to your distant server using OAuth2 standard procedures.

Please beware that the retrieved ID and refresh tokens will be stored in clear text if you do not have a correctly configured and running keyring on your client machine.


This command launches an interactive process that gather necessary information. If you are on a workstation with a browser, you are then redirected to your Cells' web UI to authenticate. Otherwise, we provide you with a link that will help you terminate the procedure with 2 copy/pastes.

If you are quick enough, (or if the default JWT token duration is long enough), you can also initialise this configuration by providing an ID token that you have retrieved using an alternative procedure, and go through the configuration process in a non-interactive manner by using the provided flags.

./cec config add oauth [flags]


  -h, --help              help for oauth
      --id-token string   A currently valid OAuth2 ID token, retrieved via the OIDC credential flow

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string     Location of Cells Client's config files (default: /home/teamcity/.config/pydio/cells-client/config.json)
      --log string        change log level (default: info) (default "info")
      --login string      The user login, for Client auth only
      --no-cache          Force token refresh at each call. This might slow down scripts with many calls
      --password string   The user password, for Client auth only
      --skip-keyring      Explicitly tell the tool to *NOT* try to use a keyring, even if present. Warning: sensitive information will be stored in clear text
      --skip-verify       By default the Cells Client verifies the validity of TLS certificates for each communication. This option skips TLS certificate verification
  -t, --token string      A valid Personal Access Token (PAT)
  -u, --url string        The full URL of the target server


  • ./cec config add - Configure a new connection to a running server and persist credentials locally
Auto generated by Cells Client v4.2.0 on 24-Jun-2024
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