POST /a/tree/selection

Create a temporary selection for further action (namely download)

Body Parameters

Name Description Type Required
Nodes Create a temporary selection out of this list of nodes array
Persist Whether to save the selection or just get a temporary Uuid in return boolean
TargetAction Associated target action for this selection string

Body Example

  "Nodes": [
      "Path": "string"
  "Persist": true,
  "TargetAction": "string"

Response Example (200)

Response Type /definitions/restCreateSelectionResponse

  "Nodes": [
      "AppearsIn": [
          "Path": "string",
          "WsLabel": "string",
          "WsScope": "string",
          "WsSlug": "string",
          "WsUuid": "string"
      "Commits": [
          "Data": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "Event": {
            "Metadata": {},
            "Optimistic": true,
            "Silent": true,
            "Source": "[Recursive structure]",
            "Target": "[Recursive structure]",
            "Type": "string"
          "Location": "[Recursive structure]",
          "MTime": "string",
          "OwnerUuid": "string",
          "Size": "string",
          "Uuid": "string"
      "Etag": "string",
      "MTime": "string",
      "MetaStore": {},
      "Mode": 10,
      "Path": "string",
      "Size": "string",
      "Type": "string",
      "Uuid": "string"
  "SelectionUUID": "string"
Auto generated by Pydio Cells Enterprise Distribution v4.4.11 on 11-Mar-2025
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