PDF Actions

PDF Actions: split pages, merge pages, create from markdown


Label (internal name) Type Default Description
Break on Error (breakOnError) boolean false Whether to break or ignore PDF-specific errors
Single Input Data (singleInput) Possible Values Below inputNode Source for the PDF raw data, applicable only for 'Split' and 'Watermark' commands
   • Input Node (inputNode) singleInput
   • Custom Path (customPath) singleInput
      - Custom Path (reader_alternatePath) string Set path here if you want to override {{.Node.Path}}
   • Incoming Data from LastOutput.RawBody (lastOutputRaw) singleInput
Command (command) Possible Values Below PDF Operation to apply
   • Split Pages (split) command
      - Optional list of pages (pages) string List of Pages - "1 2 4" for specific pages, "1-4" for range, or "1-" for all
      - Directory where to place extracted pages (split-target-dir) string {{.Node.Path or dir}} Name of the resulting file, inside the origin folder
      - Page Prefix (split-target-prefix) string {{.Node.Path or base or replace ".pdf" ""}} Prefix used for naming extracted pages, like prefix-{number}.pdf (inferred from the filename by default)
   • Join Pages (join) command
      - Write To Target (see below) (writeToFile) boolean true Write to file or just keep data in-memory and pass to next action via RawBody
      - Name of the resulting file (target-name) string {{.Node.Path or dir}}/joined-pages.pdf Name of the resulting file, inside the origin folder
   • Add Watermark (watermark) command
      - Type of the Watermark (wType) select, possible values: Text (text),
Image (image)
text Either Text or Image
      - Text or Path to Image (wContent) string Depending on the 'Type' chosen enter watermark text or a full path to an image here
      - Watermark On Top (wTop) boolean false Whether to put watermark on top or behind content
      - Additional Watermark Description (wDescription) string Please check https://pdfcpu.io/core/watermark for detailed description flags
      - Optional list of pages (wPages) string 1- List of Pages - "1 2 4" for specific pages, "1-4" for range, or "1-" for all
      - Write To Target (set below) (writeToFile) boolean true Write to file or just keep data in-memory and pass to next action via RawBody
      - Target PDF (original file by default) (wTarget) string Leave empty to override original document, put an alternative path
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