Scripting Cheatsheet

Go Template

value description
{{.Input}} Access the entire input Object containing everyhing below
{{.Node}} input.Nodes[0] Access the first Node Object
{{.User}} input.Users[0] Access the first User Object
{{.Workspace}} input.Workspace[0] Access the first Workspace Object
{{.Role}} input.Roles[0] Access the first Role Object
{{.LastOutput}} input.GetLastOutput() Access the LastOutput Object
{{.Env}} see example 4) below Custom object that gives access to, "time", "date"...
{{.Context.User}} Access the context user object (originating the current request or flow). It can differ from the .Input.User

Commonly used template functions

value function example
base calls path.Base() base "/folderA/subfolderB/image.jpg" = "image.jpg"
dir calls path.Dir() dir "/folderA/subfolderB/image.jpg" = "/folderA/subfolderB"
ext call path.Ext() ext "/folderA/subfolderB/image.jpg" = "jpg"
toJson json.Marshal() {{toJson .Node}} = a json representation of the TreeNodeObject

Examples with templates

Lets assume that we have a Read Node event on a node in "common-files" (pydiods1/images/image.jpg)

  "Uuid": "124554-5154a-a6e54-az65e4a1e2",
    "Path": "pydiods1/images/image.jpg",
  "Type": "LEAF",
  "Size": "1264878"
{{.Node.Path}} -> "pydiods1/images/image.jpg" .will be replaced with the path
{{toJson .Node}} -> will change the object into a json string (see below)
{{ext .Node.Path}} -> "jpg"
{{.Env.Date}} -> "01-02-2020"
{{.Env.Time}} -> "23:42"
{{.Env.Now}}  -> "2009-11-10 23:00:00 +0000 UTC m=+0.000000001"
{{.Env.JobUUID}} -> "224454-32a1z21-2s13qdd-21ad21ad2a"
{{.Env.TaskUUID}} -> "224454-32a1z21-2s13qdd-21ad21ad2a"
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