User Permissions

Compute a list of accessible workspaces for one user


Label (internal name) Type Default Description
Output Export and Formatting (outputFormat) select, possible values: JSON attached to Output.JsonBody (json-body),
Users attributes - One user copy per workspace (expand-wsp),
User unique attribute - All permissions joined (join-attribute)
json-body How permissions are exported for further processing
Filter with Workspaces from Input (inputWorkspacesFilter) boolean false Export only workspaces that are in the Input. Otherwise export all workspaces
Ignore UX Internals (homepage, directory, etc) (ignoreWorkspacesInternal) boolean true Do not show internal fake workspaces
Attribute Prefix when Storing in User Attributes (attributePrefix) string permission: When storing in User Attributes, prefix for all attribute key(s)
Delimiter used for building unique string (delimiter) string ; Delimiter used for building unique string
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