Read from File

Read file contents from the node passed as input


Label (internal name) Type Default Description
Input Path - Leave empty for .Input.Node (alt_input) string This action reads from .Input.Nodes[0] by default, use this field to load a custom path
Attach Output To... (output) Possible Values Below raw Method for passing the output to the next action, may depend on the data format
   • Raw Body (binary) (raw) output
   • String Body (string) output
   • Json Body (JSON-encoded Data) (json) output
   • Variable (varBinary) output
      - Name (varName) string Variable Name
      - Data Type (varType) select, possible values: String (dump as string) (string),
Object (decode from JSON) (object),
Array (decode from JSON) (array),
Binary (no conversion) (binary)
string Try to decode data
   • Map JSON Object to Variables (vars) output

Expected Input

Selected Input Node

Expected Input

Output message with either StringBody, JsonBody, or Variables

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