Task Message Filter

Between each step of a Flow, messages are passed from one action to another inside an ActionMessage, that contains a stack of ActionOutput (in the OutputChain field). This filter is the building block used to discriminate messages based on the values of the last ActionOutput of the stack.

By looking up for a Regular Expression in the ActionOutput StringBody, or a specific JSON key, you can create breaking or conditional filters to take specific action based on the previous step results.

If the available fields do not provide you enough flexibility, you can simply use the FreeCondition to evaluate any template to the "true" or "false" value.


Label Identifier Type / Allowed Values Comment
Is Success IsSuccess boolean Check if ActionOutput has success
Search on String body (regexp) StringBodyRegexp string Occurrence of string in StringBody or JsonBody (as string)
Size of string body is greater than StringBodySizeGreaterThan integer StringBody or JsonBody size bigger than
Size of string body is smaller than StringBodySizeSmallerThan integer StringBody or JsonBody size smaller than
Search on Json body (regexp) JsonBodyRegexp string Exact match of StringBody or JsonBody (as string)
Json body has key... JsonBodyHasKey string Check existence of key in json body
Size of Json body is greater than JsonBodySizeGreaterThan integer StringBody or JsonBody size bigger than
Size of Json body is smaller than JsonBodySizeSmallerThan integer StringBody or JsonBody size smaller than
Task time greater than TaskTimeGt integer Time taken greater than
Task time lower than TaskTimeLt integer Time taken shorter than
Search on error string (regexp) ErrorStringRegexp string Check occurrence on error string
Free Condition FreeCondition string FreeCondition can be built using templates or gval
Not Not boolean Invert condition
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