Message, Variable, Error
Create a message using templates and pass it to the next actions. Templates can use if/else structures to build different output based on the input.
Label (internal name) | Type | Default | Description |
Message (message) | textarea | Message to be appended to the output. You can use templating using the {{.Var}} syntax | |
Output Target (ctype) | select, possible values: StringBody (string), JsonBody (json), Trigger Error (error) |
string | Output can be sent as StringBody or JSON Body (then accessed by following actions or filters using {{.LastOutput.XXXBody}}) or trigger an Error. |
Name (vars.paramName) | string | Name of the variable, can be used later using {{.Vars.Name}} | |
Value (vars.paramValue) | string | Value of the variable | |
Variable Type (vars.paramType) | select, possible values: String (string), Number (number), Boolean (bool), JSON Object (object), JSON Array (array) |
string | Set a type for this variable |