Pydio Blog

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Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.4.3

Created on 2024/06/18
This release provides bug fixes and security updates, including golang version and caddy updates.

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.4.2

Created on 2024/06/04
Cells 4.4.2 is a hotfix release for upgrading the PDF JS library.

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.4.1

Created on 2024/05/15
This is a minor bugfixes release, including a fix for a small UX glitch that could prevent the "force password change" dialog to appear right after login, and new attributes added to events sent after password change (to be used in Cells Flows).

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.4.0

Created on 2024/04/03
Pydio Cells 4.4.0 is here! Focus for this release is user experience upgrades for both end users and admins. Read on for all the details.

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.6

Created on 2024/02/26
This is a minor bugfix for v4 branch. It fixes an issue with TLS configuration for NATS broker, and other small UX glitches in Address Book.

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.5

Created on 2024/02/02
Regular maintenance release: enhanced TLS flexibility, API and UX fixes, dashboard improvements, and wildcard support for user attributes.

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.4

Created on 2024/01/15
This is a small bugfix release.

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.3

Created on 2024/01/09
This is a small bugfix release.

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.2

Created on 2023/12/23
This release ships new interesting features, an important upgrade of Cells Flows User Interface, bugfixes and more.

Pydio Cells & Enterprise 4.3.1

Created on 2023/11/14
This new version focuses primarily on Cells Flows, offering a host of new features, enhancements and bug fixes. Transform and generate PDFs, DOCX, Markdown, and HTML content on-the-fly or upon user request!
