News for Current Clients

Created on 2015/11/10, enterprise distribution, community

Pydio Enterprise Distribution: What are your options as a current client?

You talked, we listened. We have incorporated your feedback and feature requests into a brand new product called Pydio Enterprise Distribution. There is a new Enterprise Customer Dashboard, and you may be required to change your password to access to your license and submit support tickets as necessary.

What this means for you
Your current active license is still valid, and there is no immediate action required, nor will this bring any stability concerns to your currently deployed Pydio system.

Which Pydio solution is right for you?
As a historic Pydio client, you have the choice of migrating to the Enterprise Distribution or staying with the current Pydio Community solution with Enterprise support. 

Pydio Enterprise Distribution

  • EULA License 
  • Includes advanced features not included in the Pydio Community edition including an advanced administration dashboard, advanced user management including granular permissions, an Update Engine, Detailed Session Logs, Kill Active Sessions, and more...
  • Includes the same level 3 support through the electronic ticketing system on your Enterprise Customer Dashboard
  • IMPORTANT: Pydio Enterprise Distribution will limit the number of total number of users in the system to the number of users covered by the license.  If you have exceeded the number of allocated users, please do not migrate to Enterprise Distribution without purchasing an upgrade for the correct number of users.
  • Prices will remain the same for the same number of total users


Pydio Community with Enterprise support

  • AGPL v3. + Private License
  • Does not include the advanced Enterprise Distribution Features
  • Includes Level 3 support ticketing as defined with your original purchase (Pro v. Enterprise)
  • As a historic client, your price will remain the same for the same number of users as you renew. 
  • IMPORTANT: If you do not maintain an active license or let your license lapse for any reason, you will lose your status as a historic Pydio client, and be required to purchase subject to the latest terms & conditions of either the Pydio Enterprise Distribution or the community support packages at the new prices. 
  • IMPORTANT: If you choose to stick to the Pydio Community with Enterprise support, be aware that you will have to manually upgrade your "Core.licence" plugin after switching to 6.2.0. Instructions will follow.

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