Cookie policy

What is a cookie ?

A cookie is a small file placed onto you device that enables features and functionality. For example, cookies enable us to identify you device, secure your access to, and even know if someone attempt to access your account from a different device. Cookies also enable you to easily share content on social networks and help us serve relevant contetn to you.

Why are we using cookies ?

We use our own cookies to recognize you when you visit our website. This means that you don’t have to log in each time you visit, and we can remember your preferences and settings. A aucun moment l’utilisation de cookies ne vous est imposée et vous pouvez à tout moment refuser leur utilisation. 

Which cookies are we using ?

In addition to our own cookies, we work with various reputable companies to help us analyze how the Platform is used, and to optimize our Website to deliver the best possible experience (google analytics, social networks...).

Your choice concerning cookies

Most browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings preferences. However, if you limit the ability of websites to set cookies, you may worsen you overall user experience, since it will no longer be personalized to you. It may also stop you from saving customized settings like login information.