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Dreamhost now using AjaXplorer

Created on 2011/12/10
As featured in their monthly newsletter, the major american hosting provider Dreamhost has replace the old net2ftp solution by AjaXplorer for their webftp solution. Nice demonstration of how auth.ftp & access.ftp drivers can be used to transform AjaXplorer into a generic FTP client in the browser! And of course, nice demonstration of the fiability of the software.

New Website!

Created on 2011/12/09
Glad to "go live" with the new website. I've worked on it like a dog for a couple of weeks now, I know it's not perfect so please take some time before getting some "I don't find myself anymore" back :-). A great new feature is that a lot of data is generated dynamically, for example the whole plugins tree is directly loaded from a real AjaXplorer installation, making it always up-to-date.
