[Ent] Email Templates

WARNING This documentation is for Cells v3. Looking for Pydio Cells v4 docs?

In this chapter, we have a look at the mailing system integrated to Pydio Cells and guide you through template customization.

[Enterprise Edition] Custom templates for mailer

With the Enterprise Edition there are 3 additional options that will allow you to change the mailer template:

  • Change the Logo
  • Change the Application Name
  • Change the Footer (Usually copyrights)

Refer to the numbers on the screenshot for the list below

  1. To modify the Logo you must go to Advanced Settings > UI Customization and modify Emails Template Logo with an url pointing to an image directly, for instance http://domain/image.png.

  2. To modify the application name go to Application Core > Main Options and change the Application Title setting.

  3. To modify the footer (bottom text) go to Advanced Settings > UI Customization and modify Emails Template Footer.

By the Way the test mail will not display the message

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