Data Transformation

Transform data (input, JSON, or CSV) into JSON, XLSX or CSV


Label (internal name) Type Default Description
Data input (input) select, possible values: Main Input (use selector for e.g $.Users...) (input),
JsonBody (jsonbody),
Raw Data / json-encoded (raw/json),
Raw Data / csv-encoded (raw/csv),
StringBody / json-encoded (stringbody)
jsonbody Source used to compute input data. Must be directly a slice, or you can use a Selector to point to a slice.

Use Main Input and Root Selector $.Vars.VarName to access a runtime variable.
Root Selector (jsonpath) (selector) string If the input is not already a list (slice), use this selector to point to a list inside the input object.
**** () legend [XLSX Only] Sheet and Formulas
Sheet Name (sheet) string Data Excel Sheet Name
**** () legend [CSV Only] Formatting
CSV separator (csv-separator) string , Separator character for CSV input / output
Output Format (format) Possible Values Below json Format for saving after transformation
   • JSON (JsonBody) (json) format
   • Object (Variable) (jsonvar) format
      - Variable Name (varName) string Name of the output variable
   • CSV (RawBody) (csv) format
   • XLSX (RawBody) (xlsx) format
Column Name ( string Column Name
Selector (jsonpath or template) (columns.jsonpath) string Jsonpath Selector (applied to input)
Data Format (columns.dataformat) select, possible values: String (string),
Integer (int64) (number),
Float (float64) (float),
Date (string) (date),
Date (timestamp) (stamp),
Boolean (true/false) (bool)
Make sure output is in the correct format
Expander (columns.expand) string Apply this selector on the expanded values
[XSLX] Cell Width (columns.cellwidth) integer Specify cell width
Column Letter and $.Current or $.Next for row (formulas.formula_column) string Cell Position
Formula (use $.First, $.Last, $.Length) (formulas.formula) string Formula
Compute In-Place and Export As... (formulas.compute) string Compute

Expected Input

JSON, Raw or CSV Body

Expected Input


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