Export Users Permissions

Compute accesses on each workspaces for each users.

This Flow provides another approach to Audits by crawling permissions on a user point-of-view instead of a folder point-of-view.

How It Works

After listing specified users, it uses the "Load Permissions" action to compute ACLs for each of these users, and express them in a user-readable manner (per workspace permission).

Then the XLSX formatting will use an expander to create, for each users, as many lines as there are workpaces.


Name Type Default Mandatory Description
ExportFolder text true The path to save the exported file.
Profile select, possible values: Internal Users (standard), Administrator (admin), External Users (shared) standard false Select a profile to list all users.

Trigger Type


JSON Representation

  "Label": "Export Users Permissions",
  "Owner": "pydio.system.user",
  "Metadata": {
    "Description": "Compute accesses on each workspaces for each users",
    "Icon": "mdi mdi-account-settings",
    "TplCategory": "analytics",
    "Usage": "This Flow provides another approach to Audits by crawling permissions on a user point-of-view instead of a folder point-of-view.\n\n### How It Works\n\nAfter listing specified users, it uses the \"Load Permissions\" action to compute ACLs for each of these users, and express them in a user-readable manner (per workspace permission). \n\nThen the XLSX formatting will use an expander to create, for each users, as many lines as there are workpaces."
  "Actions": [
      "ID": "actions.scheduler.log-input",
      "Label": "Collect Users",
      "IdmSelector": {
        "Query": {
          "SubQueries": [
              "type_url": "type.googleapis.com/idm.UserSingleQuery",
              "value": "ahp7ey5Kb2JQYXJhbWV0ZXJzLlByb2ZpbGV9fQ=="
          "Operation": 1
      "Parameters": {
        "taskLogger": "true"
      "ChainedActions": [
          "ID": "action.idm.user-load-permissions",
          "Label": "Load Permissions",
          "Parameters": {
            "attributePrefix": "permission:",
            "ignoreWorkspacesInternal": "true",
            "outputFormat": "expand-wsp"
  "MergeAction": {
    "ID": "actions.scheduler.log-input",
    "Label": "Log Output",
    "Parameters": {
      "message": "Computed {{.Input.Users | len}} permissions lines",
      "taskLogger": "true"
    "ChainedActions": [
        "ID": "actions.etl.transform",
        "Label": "Format XLSX",
        "ActionOutputFilter": {
          "Query": {
            "SubQueries": [
                "type_url": "type.googleapis.com/jobs.ActionOutputSingleQuery",
                "value": "ah17e2d0ICguSW5wdXQuVXNlcnMgfCBsZW4pIDB9fQ=="
          "Label": "Check Lines Number"
        "Parameters": {
          "cellwidth": "40",
          "cellwidth_1": "30",
          "cellwidth_2": "40",
          "cellwidth_3": "45",
          "cellwidth_4": "20",
          "cellwidth_5": "20",
          "csv-separator": ",",
          "dataformat": "string",
          "dataformat_1": "string",
          "dataformat_2": "string",
          "dataformat_3": "string",
          "dataformat_4": "string",
          "dataformat_5": "string",
          "expand": "",
          "expand_1": "",
          "expand_2": "",
          "expand_3": "",
          "expand_4": "",
          "expand_5": "",
          "format": "xlsx",
          "input": "input",
          "jsonpath": "$.Uuid",
          "jsonpath_1": "$.Login",
          "jsonpath_2": "$.Attributes[\"permission:workspace_uuid\"]",
          "jsonpath_3": "$.Attributes[\"permission:workspace_label\"]",
          "jsonpath_4": "$.Attributes[\"permission:workspace_scope\"]",
          "jsonpath_5": "$.Attributes[\"permission:workspace_rights\"]",
          "name": "User UUID",
          "name_1": "Login ID",
          "name_2": "Workspace UUID",
          "name_3": "Workspace Label",
          "name_4": "Workspace Scope",
          "name_5": "Permissions",
          "selector": "$.Users",
          "sheet": "Data"
        "ChainedActions": [
            "ID": "actions.tree.put",
            "Label": "Write Excel File",
            "Parameters": {
              "fieldname": "{\"@value\":\"HasProfile\"}",
              "input": "rawbody",
              "target_file": "{{.JobParameters.ExportFolder | trimSuffix \"/\"}}/users-permissions-{{.JobParameters.Profile}}-{{now | htmlDate}}.xlsx"
        "FailedFilterActions": [
            "ID": "actions.scheduler.log-input",
            "Label": "Nothing to Export",
            "Parameters": {
              "fieldname": "{\"@value\":\"FreeCondition\"}",
              "message": "Nothing to export",
              "taskLogger": "true"
  "Parameters": [
      "Name": "ExportFolder",
      "Description": "The path to save the exported file. ",
      "Mandatory": true,
      "Type": "text"
      "Name": "Profile",
      "Description": "Select a profile to list all users. ",
      "Value": "standard",
      "Type": "select",
      "JsonChoices": "{\"standard\": \"Internal Users\", \"admin\": \"Administrator\", \"shared\": \"External Users\"}"
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