Export Users Permissions
Compute accesses on each workspaces for each users.

This Flow provides another approach to Audits by crawling permissions on a user point-of-view instead of a folder point-of-view.
How It Works
After listing specified users, it uses the "Load Permissions" action to compute ACLs for each of these users, and express them in a user-readable manner (per workspace permission).
Then the XLSX formatting will use an expander to create, for each users, as many lines as there are workpaces.
Name | Type | Default | Mandatory | Description |
ExportFolder | text | true | The path to save the exported file. | |
Profile | select, possible values: Internal Users (standard), Administrator (admin), External Users (shared) | standard | false | Select a profile to list all users. |
Trigger Type
JSON Representation
"Label": "Export Users Permissions",
"Owner": "pydio.system.user",
"Metadata": {
"Description": "Compute accesses on each workspaces for each users",
"Icon": "mdi mdi-account-settings",
"TplCategory": "analytics",
"Usage": "This Flow provides another approach to Audits by crawling permissions on a user point-of-view instead of a folder point-of-view.\n\n### How It Works\n\nAfter listing specified users, it uses the \"Load Permissions\" action to compute ACLs for each of these users, and express them in a user-readable manner (per workspace permission). \n\nThen the XLSX formatting will use an expander to create, for each users, as many lines as there are workpaces."
"Actions": [
"ID": "actions.scheduler.log-input",
"Label": "Collect Users",
"IdmSelector": {
"Query": {
"SubQueries": [
"type_url": "type.googleapis.com/idm.UserSingleQuery",
"value": "ahp7ey5Kb2JQYXJhbWV0ZXJzLlByb2ZpbGV9fQ=="
"Operation": 1
"Parameters": {
"taskLogger": "true"
"ChainedActions": [
"ID": "action.idm.user-load-permissions",
"Label": "Load Permissions",
"Parameters": {
"attributePrefix": "permission:",
"ignoreWorkspacesInternal": "true",
"outputFormat": "expand-wsp"
"MergeAction": {
"ID": "actions.scheduler.log-input",
"Label": "Log Output",
"Parameters": {
"message": "Computed {{.Input.Users | len}} permissions lines",
"taskLogger": "true"
"ChainedActions": [
"ID": "actions.etl.transform",
"Label": "Format XLSX",
"ActionOutputFilter": {
"Query": {
"SubQueries": [
"type_url": "type.googleapis.com/jobs.ActionOutputSingleQuery",
"value": "ah17e2d0ICguSW5wdXQuVXNlcnMgfCBsZW4pIDB9fQ=="
"Label": "Check Lines Number"
"Parameters": {
"cellwidth": "40",
"cellwidth_1": "30",
"cellwidth_2": "40",
"cellwidth_3": "45",
"cellwidth_4": "20",
"cellwidth_5": "20",
"csv-separator": ",",
"dataformat": "string",
"dataformat_1": "string",
"dataformat_2": "string",
"dataformat_3": "string",
"dataformat_4": "string",
"dataformat_5": "string",
"expand": "",
"expand_1": "",
"expand_2": "",
"expand_3": "",
"expand_4": "",
"expand_5": "",
"format": "xlsx",
"input": "input",
"jsonpath": "$.Uuid",
"jsonpath_1": "$.Login",
"jsonpath_2": "$.Attributes[\"permission:workspace_uuid\"]",
"jsonpath_3": "$.Attributes[\"permission:workspace_label\"]",
"jsonpath_4": "$.Attributes[\"permission:workspace_scope\"]",
"jsonpath_5": "$.Attributes[\"permission:workspace_rights\"]",
"name": "User UUID",
"name_1": "Login ID",
"name_2": "Workspace UUID",
"name_3": "Workspace Label",
"name_4": "Workspace Scope",
"name_5": "Permissions",
"selector": "$.Users",
"sheet": "Data"
"ChainedActions": [
"ID": "actions.tree.put",
"Label": "Write Excel File",
"Parameters": {
"fieldname": "{\"@value\":\"HasProfile\"}",
"input": "rawbody",
"target_file": "{{.JobParameters.ExportFolder | trimSuffix \"/\"}}/users-permissions-{{.JobParameters.Profile}}-{{now | htmlDate}}.xlsx"
"FailedFilterActions": [
"ID": "actions.scheduler.log-input",
"Label": "Nothing to Export",
"Parameters": {
"fieldname": "{\"@value\":\"FreeCondition\"}",
"message": "Nothing to export",
"taskLogger": "true"
"Parameters": [
"Name": "ExportFolder",
"Description": "The path to save the exported file. ",
"Mandatory": true,
"Type": "text"
"Name": "Profile",
"Description": "Select a profile to list all users. ",
"Value": "standard",
"Type": "select",
"JsonChoices": "{\"standard\": \"Internal Users\", \"admin\": \"Administrator\", \"shared\": \"External Users\"}"
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