Modify Cell

Attach or remove resources (root nodes, users) to/from a Cell


Label (internal name) Type Default Description
Variable Name (inputVar) string Cell Cell object stored in variable by previous actions
Resource Type (op) Possible Values Below roots Resource to modify
   • Cell Root Nodes (roots) op
      - Operation Type (rootOp) select, possible values: Add node to roots (a),
Delete node from roots (d)
a Roots Operations (read from Input.Nodes)
   • Cell Users (acls) op
      - Operation Type (aclOp) select, possible values: Add - Read only (r),
Add - Read/Write (rw),
Add - Write only (w),
Remove (d)
r Users Operations (read from Input.Users)
   • Update Expiration Date (date) op
      - Expiration Date (Timestamp) (expirationDate) integer Disable Cell after this date
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