Sort Input

Apply sorting to Input messages


Label (internal name) Type Default Description
Sorting Direction (dir) select, possible values: Ascending (asc),
Descending (desc)
asc Whether to sort ascending or descending
Input Member (input) Possible Values Below nodes Which data to sort incoming Input message
   • Nodes (nodes) input
      - Node Field (nodes-field) select, possible values: Uuid (string) (Uuid),
Path (string) (Path),
Type (int32) (Type),
Size (int64) (Size),
MTime (int64) (MTime),
Mode (int32) (Mode),
Etag (string) (Etag)
Uuid Apply sorting on the selected field
   • Users (users) input
      - User Field (users-field) select, possible values: Uuid (string) (Uuid),
GroupPath (string) (GroupPath),
Login (string) (Login),
Password (string) (Password),
OldPassword (string) (OldPassword),
IsGroup (bool) (IsGroup),
GroupLabel (string) (GroupLabel),
LastConnected (int32) (LastConnected),
PoliciesContextEditable (bool) (PoliciesContextEditable)
Uuid Apply sorting on the selected field
   • Workspaces (workspaces) input
      - Workspace Field (workspaces-field) select, possible values: UUID (string) (UUID),
Label (string) (Label),
Description (string) (Description),
Slug (string) (Slug),
Scope (int32) (Scope),
LastUpdated (int32) (LastUpdated),
Attributes (string) (Attributes),
PoliciesContextEditable (bool) (PoliciesContextEditable)
UUID Apply sorting on the selected field
   • Roles (roles) input
      - Role Field (roles-field) select, possible values: Uuid (string) (Uuid),
Label (string) (Label),
IsTeam (bool) (IsTeam),
GroupRole (bool) (GroupRole),
UserRole (bool) (UserRole),
LastUpdated (int32) (LastUpdated),
PoliciesContextEditable (bool) (PoliciesContextEditable),
ForceOverride (bool) (ForceOverride)
Uuid Apply sorting on the selected field
   • ACLs (acls) input
      - ACL Field (acls-field) select, possible values: ID (string) (ID),
RoleID (string) (RoleID),
WorkspaceID (string) (WorkspaceID),
NodeID (string) (NodeID),
ActionName (string) (ActionName),
ActionValue (string) (ActionValue)
ID Apply sorting on the selected field
   • Datasources (datasources) input
      - DataSource Field (datasources-field) select, possible values: Name (string) (Name),
Disabled (bool) (Disabled),
StorageType (int32) (StorageType),
ObjectsServiceName (string) (ObjectsServiceName),
ObjectsHost (string) (ObjectsHost),
ObjectsPort (int32) (ObjectsPort),
ObjectsSecure (bool) (ObjectsSecure),
ObjectsBucket (string) (ObjectsBucket),
ObjectsBaseFolder (string) (ObjectsBaseFolder),
ApiKey (string) (ApiKey),
ApiSecret (string) (ApiSecret),
PeerAddress (string) (PeerAddress),
Watch (bool) (Watch),
FlatStorage (bool) (FlatStorage),
SkipSyncOnRestart (bool) (SkipSyncOnRestart),
EncryptionMode (int32) (EncryptionMode),
EncryptionKey (string) (EncryptionKey),
VersioningPolicyName (string) (VersioningPolicyName),
CreationDate (int32) (CreationDate),
LastSynchronizationDate (int32) (LastSynchronizationDate)
Name Apply sorting on the selected field
   • Activities (activities) input
      - Activity Field (activities-field) select, possible values: JsonLdContext (string) (JsonLdContext),
Type (int32) (Type),
Id (string) (Id),
Name (string) (Name),
Summary (string) (Summary),
Markdown (string) (Markdown),
MediaType (string) (MediaType),
Href (string) (Href),
Rel (string) (Rel),
Hreflang (string) (Hreflang),
Height (int32) (Height),
Width (int32) (Width),
FormerType (int32) (FormerType),
Accuracy (float32) (Accuracy),
Altitude (float32) (Altitude),
Latitude (float32) (Latitude),
Longitude (float32) (Longitude),
Radius (float32) (Radius),
Units (string) (Units),
TotalItems (int32) (TotalItems)
JsonLdContext Apply sorting on the selected field
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