cec mv

Move and/or rename nodes on the server



Synchronously move or rename one or more files or folders within your Cells server. It works within the same workspace or from one to another, as long as the current user has sufficient permission on both workspaces.


Move a node: ./cec mv common-files/picture.jpg personal-files/photos/

Rename a node: ./cec mv common-files/picture.jpg common-files/p2.jpg

Move all nodes recursively: ./cec mv common-files/photos/* personal-files/photos/

./cec mv [flags]


  -h, --help   help for mv

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string     Location of Cells Client's config files (default: /home/teamcity/.config/pydio/cells-client/config.json)
      --log string        change log level (default: info) (default "info")
      --login string      The user login, for Client auth only
      --no-cache          Force token refresh at each call. This might slow down scripts with many calls
      --password string   The user password, for Client auth only
      --skip-keyring      Explicitly tell the tool to *NOT* try to use a keyring, even if present. Warning: sensitive information will be stored in clear text
      --skip-verify       By default the Cells Client verifies the validity of TLS certificates for each communication. This option skips TLS certificate verification
  -t, --token string      A valid Personal Access Token (PAT)
  -u, --url string        The full URL of the target server


  • ./cec - Connect to a Pydio Cells server using the command line
Auto generated by Cells Client v4.2.0 on 24-Jun-2024
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