cec update

Check for available updates and apply them



Without argument, the 'update' command lists available updates. To apply the actual update, re-run the command specifying the target version with the --version flag.

By default, we check for update in the stable channel, that is: we only install binaries that have been properly released. If necessary, you can use the --dev flag to switch at your own risks to the pre-release channel.

./cec update [flags]


      --dev              If set this flag will use the dev channel to load the updates
  -d, --dry_run          If set, this flag will grab the package and save it to the tmp directory instead of replacing current binary
  -h, --help             help for update
  -v, --version string   Specify the version to be installed and trigger the actual upgrade

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string     Location of Cells Client's config files (default: /home/teamcity/.config/pydio/cells-client/config.json)
      --log string        change log level (default: info) (default "info")
      --login string      The user login, for Client auth only
      --no-cache          Force token refresh at each call. This might slow down scripts with many calls
      --password string   The user password, for Client auth only
      --skip-keyring      Explicitly tell the tool to *NOT* try to use a keyring, even if present. Warning: sensitive information will be stored in clear text
      --skip-verify       By default the Cells Client verifies the validity of TLS certificates for each communication. This option skips TLS certificate verification
  -t, --token string      A valid Personal Access Token (PAT)
  -u, --url string        The full URL of the target server


  • ./cec - Connect to a Pydio Cells server using the command line
Auto generated by Cells Client v4.2.0 on 24-Jun-2024
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