POST /a/user-meta/search

Search a list of meta by node Id or by User id and by namespace

Body Parameters

Name Description Type Required
MetaUuids Look for meta by their unique identifier array
Namespace Filter meta by their namespace string
NodeUuids Look for all meta for a list of nodes array
ResourceQuery Filter meta by policies query #/definitions/serviceResourcePolicyQuery
ResourceSubjectOwner Filter meta by owner (in the sense of the policies) string

Body Example

  "MetaUuids": [
  "Namespace": "string",
  "NodeUuids": [
  "ResourceQuery": {
    "Any": true,
    "Empty": true,
    "Subjects": [
  "ResourceSubjectOwner": "string"

Response Example (200)

Response Type /definitions/restUserMetaCollection

  "Metadatas": [
      "JsonValue": "string",
      "Namespace": "string",
      "NodeUuid": "string",
      "Policies": [
          "Action": "string",
          "Effect": "string",
          "JsonConditions": "string",
          "Resource": "string",
          "Subject": "string",
          "id": "string"
      "PoliciesContextEditable": true,
      "ResolvedNode": {
        "AppearsIn": [
            "Path": "string",
            "WsLabel": "string",
            "WsScope": "string",
            "WsSlug": "string",
            "WsUuid": "string"
        "Commits": [
            "Data": "string",
            "Description": "string",
            "Event": {
              "Metadata": {},
              "Optimistic": true,
              "Silent": true,
              "Source": "[Recursive structure]",
              "Target": "[Recursive structure]",
              "Type": "string"
            "Location": "[Recursive structure]",
            "MTime": "string",
            "OwnerUuid": "string",
            "Size": "string",
            "Uuid": "string"
        "Etag": "string",
        "MTime": "string",
        "MetaStore": {},
        "Mode": 10,
        "Path": "string",
        "Size": "string",
        "Type": "string",
        "Uuid": "string"
      "Uuid": "string"
Auto generated by Pydio Cells Enterprise Distribution v4.4.11 on 11-Mar-2025
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