cells-enterprise admin license stats

Load current license statistics



Query running Cells instance to load license statistics. Without arguments, it will output license statistics


Using the --format flag allows you to create your own output using Golang templating. Input data is { ActiveUsers:int MaxUsers:int UsersPercent:int ExpireTime:timestamp ExpireDate:string ExpireIn:seconds } You can for example display a simple percentage using {{.UsersPercent}}% template.

You can use conditions to return an error signal (1) for special cases, by printing the specific ERROR_CODE keyword.

For example:

  1. Return error if users usage is greater than 90% $ ./cells-enterprise admin license-stats --format="{{if gt .UsersPercent 90}}ERROR_CODE{{end}}"

  2. Return error if license will expire in less than 3 days (518400 seconds) $ ./cells-enterprise admin license-stats --format="{{if lt .ExpireIn 518400}}ERROR_CODE{{end}}"

./cells-enterprise admin license stats [flags]


  -f, --format string   Use golang template to compute your own output
  -h, --help            help for stats
  -r, --refresh         Force users computation to be refresh, this can take some time

Options inherited from parent commands

      --advertise_address string     Default advertise address (default "")
      --broker string                Pub/sub service for events between services (default "grpc://:8030")
      --config string                Configuration storage URL. Supported schemes: etcd|etcd+tls|file|grpc|mem|vault|vaults (default "file:///home/teamcity/.config/pydio/cells/pydio.json")
      --discovery string             Registry and pub/sub (default "grpc://:8030")
      --grpc_client_timeout string   Default timeout for long-running GRPC calls, expressed as a golang duration (default "60m")
      --registry string              Registry used to contact services (default "grpc://:8030")


Auto generated by Pydio Cells Enterprise Distribution v4.4.3 on 18-Jun-2024
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