PUT /a/share/link

Put or Create a share room

Body Parameters

Name Description Type Required
CreatePassword Set if switching from no password to password string
PasswordEnabled Whether it has Password enabled boolean
ShareLink Content of the link to create #/definitions/restShareLink
UpdateCustomHash Change the ShareLink Hash with a custom value string
UpdatePassword Set if updating an existing password string

Body Example

  "CreatePassword": "string",
  "PasswordEnabled": true,
  "ShareLink": {
    "AccessEnd": "string",
    "AccessStart": "string",
    "CurrentDownloads": "string",
    "Description": "string",
    "Label": "string",
    "LinkHash": "string",
    "LinkUrl": "string",
    "MaxDownloads": "string",
    "PasswordRequired": true,
    "Permissions": [
    "Policies": [
        "Action": "string",
        "Effect": "string",
        "JsonConditions": "string",
        "Resource": "string",
        "Subject": "string",
        "id": "string"
    "PoliciesContextEditable": true,
    "RestrictToTargetUsers": true,
    "RootNodes": [
        "Path": "string"
    "TargetUsers": {},
    "UserLogin": "string",
    "UserUuid": "string",
    "Uuid": "string",
    "ViewTemplateName": "string"
  "UpdateCustomHash": "string",
  "UpdatePassword": "string"

Response Example (200)

Response Type /definitions/restShareLink

  "AccessEnd": "string",
  "AccessStart": "string",
  "CurrentDownloads": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "Label": "string",
  "LinkHash": "string",
  "LinkUrl": "string",
  "MaxDownloads": "string",
  "PasswordRequired": true,
  "Permissions": [
  "Policies": [
      "Action": "string",
      "Effect": "string",
      "JsonConditions": "string",
      "Resource": "string",
      "Subject": "string",
      "id": "string"
  "PoliciesContextEditable": true,
  "RestrictToTargetUsers": true,
  "RootNodes": [
      "AppearsIn": [
          "Path": "string",
          "WsLabel": "string",
          "WsScope": "string",
          "WsSlug": "string",
          "WsUuid": "string"
      "Commits": [
          "Data": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "Event": {
            "Metadata": {},
            "Optimistic": true,
            "Silent": true,
            "Source": "[Recursive structure]",
            "Target": "[Recursive structure]",
            "Type": "string"
          "Location": "[Recursive structure]",
          "MTime": "string",
          "OwnerUuid": "string",
          "Size": "string",
          "Uuid": "string"
      "Etag": "string",
      "MTime": "string",
      "MetaStore": {},
      "Mode": 10,
      "Path": "string",
      "Size": "string",
      "Type": "string",
      "Uuid": "string"
  "TargetUsers": {},
  "UserLogin": "string",
  "UserUuid": "string",
  "Uuid": "string",
  "ViewTemplateName": "string"
Auto generated by Pydio Cells Enterprise Distribution v4.4.3 on 18-Jun-2024
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