
Secure File Sharing for business



Pydio Cells is self-hosted Document Sharing & Collaboration software for organizations that need advanced sharing without security trade-offs. Cells gives you full control of your document sharing environment – combining fast performance, huge file transfer sizes, granular security, and advanced workflow automations in an easy-to-set-up and easy-to-support self-hosted platform.


For the very first run, use './cells configure' to begin the browser-based or command-line based installation wizard. Services will automatically start at the end of a browser-based installation.


Run '$ ./cells start' to load all services.


By default, application data is stored under the standard OS application dir:

  • Linux: ${USER_HOME}/.config/pydio/cells
  • Darwin: ${USER_HOME}/Library/Application Support/Pydio/cells
  • Windows: ${USER_HOME}/ApplicationData/Roaming/Pydio/cells

    You can customize the storage locations with the following ENV variables:

  • CELLS_WORKING_DIR: replace the whole standard application dir

  • CELLS_DATA_DIR: replace the location for storing default datasources (default CELLS_WORKING_DIR/data)
  • CELLS_LOG_DIR: replace the location for storing logs (default CELLS_WORKING_DIR/logs)
  • CELLS_SERVICES_DIR: replace location for services-specific data (default CELLS_WORKING_DIR/services)


By default, logs are outputted in console format at the Info level and appended to a CELLS_LOG_DIR/pydio.log file. You can: - Change the level (debug, info, warn or error) with the --log flag - Output the logs in json format with --log_json=true - Prevent logs from being written to a file with --log_to_file=false

For backward compatibility: - The CELLS_LOGS_LEVEL environment variable still works to define the --log flag (or CELLS_LOG env var) but is now deprecated and will disappear in version 4.
- The --log=production flag still works and is equivalent to "--log=info --log_json=true --log_to_file=true"


      --config string   Configuration storage URL. Supported schemes: etcd|etcd+tls|file|grpc|mem|vault|vaults (default "file:///home/teamcity/.config/pydio/cells/pydio.json")
  -h, --help            help for ./cells


Auto generated by Pydio Cells Home Edition v4.4.11 on 10-Mar-2025
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