cells-enterprise admin datasource rehash
Recompute all files hashes inside a given datasource
Look up for files where x-cells-hash is missing and recompute them. This operation is launched in scheduler and can take some time (and CPU).
To trigger the rehashing of "pydiods1" datasource: $ ./cells-enterprise admin datasource rehash --datasource=pydiods1
Process only the folder/subfolder data : $ ./cells-enterprise admin datasource rehash --datasource=pydiods1 --path=folder/subfolder
./cells-enterprise admin datasource rehash [flags]
-c, --concurrency int Maximum concurrency for computing files hashes (default 10)
-d, --datasource string Name of datasource to process (default "pydiods1")
-f, --force Force recomputing hash if it already exists
-h, --help help for rehash
-p, --path string Restrict operation to a specific folder
-t, --timeout string Maximum job duration (default "30m")
-u, --username string Username under which the job will be executed (generally admin)
Options inherited from parent commands
--advertise_address string Default advertise address (default "")
--broker string Pub/sub service for events between services (default "grpc://:8030")
--config string Configuration storage URL. Supported schemes: etcd|etcd+tls|file|grpc|mem|vault|vaults (default "file:///home/teamcity/.config/pydio/cells/pydio.json")
--discovery string Registry and pub/sub (default "grpc://:8030")
--grpc_client_timeout string Default timeout for long-running GRPC calls, expressed as a golang duration (default "60m")
--registry string Registry used to contact services (default "grpc://:8030")
- ./cells-enterprise admin datasource - Datasource management commands